Before your arrival:

  • To avoid excessive bleeding please avoid blood thinners for 72 hrs prior to appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, Fish oil and Ibuprofen. Do not consume alcoholic beverages 24 hrs before and no caffeine the day of procedure.

  • If you normally draw in your eyebrows, please fill them in prior to your appointment. If you have a shape in mind please bring in a few photos to use as a reference.

  • Do not use Retin-A Skincare products close to the area 1 month BEFORE and AFTER your appointment.

  • Do not receive any strong chemical peels, dermabrasion or any other intense resurfacing treatments for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER treatment.

  • Do not use any Skincare products with Hydroxy Acids near the area for 2 weeks BEFORE and AFTER your appointment.

  • Do not get Botox for 3 weeks BEFORE and AFTER your appointment.

  • Waxing around the area should be performed no less than 3 days before the prior to the appointment.

  • Avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure.

  • Avoid working out the day of your app WHAT IS MICROBLADING?

  • Microblading is the process of implanting pigment under the surface of the skin using a small, sterile, disposable needle to create the appearance of hair like strokes. We use a topical lidocaine so there is minimal discomfort.

  • The procedure is done in two, sometimes three appointments to achieve the final look. The second visit should be booked 6 to 8 weeks after your first appointment.

  • The final result can create bold, fluffy brows or a soft natural look. The decision is up to you! Whether you have full brows already and just need a little added arch or to fill in sparse areas.

  • Microblading will fade over time and a color refresh is recommended about every year.


Microblading is not for everyone, factors to consider include:

  • Extremely Oily Skin: Microblading may not work well on clients with very oily skin and/OR LARGE PORES AROUND YOUR BROWS. Increased oil production can cause hairstrokes to blur and heal lighter than desired. Ombre Powder Brow is recommended.

  • Darker skin: There may be less contrast between the strokes giving less detail.Ombre powder brow is recommended

  • Very thin, Mature skin: It is very easy to go too deep. The strokes will blur and look dark! Ombre Powber brow is recommended.

  • Previously Tattooed Brows/Laser Tattoo Removal: Scar tissue associated with previous tattooing or laser removal may affect pigment retention.

  • If you are anemic, your pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising can occur.

  • If you are a frequent smoker, your pigment may fade sooner than normal.

Microblading is designed to blend with your natural brow hair, the more hair you have the more realistic results will appear. If you have very little or no hair at all the results will appear more 2D, and it is possible you will need more than two sessions to achieve your desired result. Shading with Microblading or Ombre Powder Brows are a great option to give the appearance of fuller brows.

Microblading is not meant to entirely replace makeup. Eyebrow pencils and powders may still be needed if a more "madeup" look is desired. It will however cut down your application time tremendously!


Microblading cannot be performed if any of the following applies to you:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • If you are sick (cold, flu, etc.)

  • If you are under 18.

  • If you are currently receiving chemotherapy treatments.

  • If you have any skin diseases, symptoms, or irritation that appears on the eyebrow, such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, scabies, ringworm, acne, allergic reaction, boils, wounds, severe scaling keratosis, and damaged capillaries.

  • If you are on Accutane, you must be off of it for at least 12 months before getting Microblading.

  • If you have major heart problems.

  • If you have epilepsy.

  • If you are Diabetic.

  • If you have thin skin or Rosacea

If you have any concerns about whether or not you are a good candidate for Microblading please book a free consultation by calling Kim Mihalap at 757-617-2644 


You may have slight redness and swelling up to 48 hrs after the treatment.

The pigment will appear darker the first week and will fade to a much lighter, natural look by the end of the 6 week healing process.

After one week tiny scabs will form, these will start to flake off around the second and third week resulting in some patchy areas. A thin layer of healing skin can hide some of these strokes and by week four and six your strokes will reappear. You must wait the full 6 weeks to see how they will turn out. After your first procedure some of the strokes may not hold and that is why we require a 6-8 week touchup to perfect your brows.


Day of Procedure

ALWAYS wash your hands before touching your brows, it is a wound!

One hour after the treatment

cleanse your eyebrows with soap and rinse with cool/lukewarm water, PAT DRY with paper towel/tissue and apply a very thin layer of aftercare balm. Repeat these steps every 2-3 hours.

Days 2-10

Morning and night (and afternoon if you have oily skin) repeat the Wash/Dry/Aftercare steps from Day 1 above. Keep brows dry in the shower... steamy hot showers will cause the pores to open and scabs to soften, so to be cautious, no extra steamy hot showers!

What is to be avoided:

  • Do not get brows wet for the first 10 days (except for when you wash them); that includes steam and sweat. (Take quick showers so there is no steam on the mirror, Avoid the water ESPECIALLY shampoo and conditioner running down.. that’ll cause color discoloration!)

  • Avoid working out for the first 7 days, sweat can push out the pigment and also cause discoloration.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 2 to 3 weeks.

  • Do not apply sunscreen for 2 weeks. (If you are in the sun wear a hat and sunglasses)

  • Do not apply makeup on the brows for at least 10 days or until all scabs have fallen off.

  • Do not use any Hydroxy acids or Retin-A around the brow area.

  • No facials, Botox, chemical peels, or laser treatments for 4 weeks.

  • Do not pick, scratch, itch, or pull off any of the scabs or areas which are peeling. (Picking at or pulling off the scabs will cause the pigment to fall out and result in spots left without any pigment or in some cases scarring.)

  • Try not to sleep on your face, if you are a side sleeper I recommend sleeping with an airplane pillow and/or silk pillowcase.

Once healed – For better pigment retention keep your brows moisturized, wear SPF daily, and keep Retin-A and Hydroxy acids away from brows.


Ombre Powder Brow is a technique using a machine to gently implant pigment with a single needle rather than making tiny cuts like Microblading, causing less trauma to the skin.

For this reason it can be done on more skin types. This technique is very versatile.

It can be done very soft giving you a natural, powder look, or it can be done more saturated giving you that perfect makeup look!